Recent reports have highlighted an increasingly worrying trend in England’s social housing sector, with many of the largest landlords failing to comply with official orders aimed at improving their handling of tenants’ complaints.
Richard Blakeway, the housing ombudsman, has called out significant non-compliance among housing providers, raising questions about the effectiveness of the current regulatory system and drawing attention to the urgent need for reforms.
The extent of non-compliance
According to a recent article in TheGuardian, Blakeway revealed that the ombudsman issued a record 43 “complaints handling failure orders” in just a three-month period, with 18 of these orders going entirely unheeded – a marked deterioration in compliance.
Consequences for tenants
For tenants, the failure to establish effective complaint-handling mechanisms is not just an administrative issue; it’s a matter affecting quality of life.
Residents are left waiting for redress across a range of problems, from serious health hazards like mould to quality-of-life issues, such as antisocial behaviour.
Previous tragedies like the Grenfell Tower fire and the death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak in 2020, which have already led to tighter regulations being introduced, have already shown the dire consequences of not listening to tenant concerns.
Calls for Government intervention
Tenant advocacy groups, such as the Social Housing Action Campaign (SHAC), insist that the Government must take stronger measures to enforce compliance.
Their research supports the ombudsman’s findings, noting either stagnant or declining standards in complaints handling across the sector.
This issue points to a need for a more robust regulatory framework and stringent sanctions for non-compliance.
They believe that governmental agencies must ensure that landlords not only pay heed to ombudsman orders but also engage proactively in addressing tenants’ concerns.
In light of these findings, landlords should anticipate greater scrutiny and potential further regulatory change aimed at strengthening tenants’ rights and protections.
Housing providers may find themselves facing legal ramifications if these systemic issues are not addressed promptly.
The content of this article is for general information only. It is not, and should not be taken as, legal advice. If you require any further information in relation to this article please contact the author in the first instance. Law covered as at October 2023.