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Mergers & Collaborative Working

Charities are increasingly considering innovative approaches to collaborative working and mergers. We are here to help you navigate the various legal issues involved. 

We have significant experience helping charities navigate their way through the points they need to consider when exploring, negotiating, and then implementing, a collaboration or merger with another charity. 

Our approach is designed to be reflective of the collaborative nature of these arrangements, and the ultimate goal of bringing together two charities to become greater than the sum of their parts. 

We recognise the critical role that we have in facilitating this, whilst also ensuring that our charity clients are appropriately advised and that the charity trustees have all of the information they require to make a decision on whether to approve the merger in the best interests of their charity. 

We understand the importance of the decision-making process, and we have considerable experience providing pragmatic and helpful advice and guidance on how to approach significant, strategic decisions to ensure compliance with legal duties in line with Charity Commission expectations of charity trustees. 

We can help charity trustees with the identification of the legal and commercial issues (including those identified in the Charity Commission’s checklist for mergers) and ensure that they follow a proper process throughout. 

Our Experience

Birketts advises National Children’s Bureau in transfer of Research in Practice 

Birketts’ Charities Team has advised the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) in securing the transfer of Research in Practice to NCB from another organisation. NCB works to champion the rights of children and young people in the UK. A leading children’s charity, NCB takes the voices of children to the heart of government, bringing people and organisations together to drive change in society and deliver better childhoods for every child. 

Birketts advises on merger between two social care charities 

Birketts’ Charities Team advised a leading social care charity on its merger with another leading provider to form a new charity, which undertakes evidence-based research to support the delivery of effective social care solutions. The merger was critical to secure ongoing funding streams for both charities and the Team provided advice and support on all aspects of the process. 

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