Aerial view of road intersection

Minerals & Waste

Are you a landowner requiring advice on minerals issues, including how to generate value from mineral deposits or waste disposal opportunities?

We can provide expert and experienced practical advice to help you maximise the value of mineral resources for your estate. We also have widely respected experience of associated planning, environmental, estate planning, agricultural and taxation issues.

For mineral operators we can help you achieve your objectives in a field where environmental sensitivities, sustainability and corporate social responsibility are becoming increasingly important.

Our minerals and waste advice is provided by a team of specialists who have unrivalled knowledge in the legal sector of the wide range of issues affecting quarrying, mineral extraction, waste management and recycling businesses. Our team’s experience includes direct management experience of quarrying, asphalt and concrete production and road contracting operations, so you will be talking to people who understand your needs from the word go.
We can offer clients a strong understanding of the drivers operating in this business sector, as well as relevant and creative solutions to your problems.

Our Minerals and Waste Team is led by Stuart Jones who has over 25 years’ experience of the industry. Please feel free to contact Stuart for an informal discussion to see if we can help you in any way. He has managed quarrying and added value businesses. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Quarrying, contributes to the Policy Advisory Group of the Mineral Products Association, and has excellent contacts both within the industry and amongst agents and others specialising in minerals and waste matters.

In addition, we can offer you advice on all aspects of regulatory law and corporate crime. Our regulatory team currently represents government agencies in prosecutions, as well as defending individuals and businesses in environmental, pollution and health and safety cases. We can offer significant experience of dealing with both sides of the relevant arguments.

Our planning and environmental expertise is also highly regarded, and we can provide cost effective and timely advice to facilitate your objectives whether that is minerals and waste operations, or redevelopment of sites to alternatives uses.

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For general enquiries please call +44 (0)808 169 4320 or send a message from our Contact us page.