The Government has extended the period within which commercial landlords are prevented from forfeiting leases as a result of non-payment of rent until the end of 2020.
The Business Tenancies (Protection from Forfeiture: Relevant Period) (Coronavirus) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 were announced by the Government on Wednesday 16 September 2020, extending the period within which commercial tenants will be protected from the risk of forfeiture on the basis of non-payment of rent from 30 September 2020 until 31 December 2020.
This period was previously extended from 30 June 2020 to 30 September 2020 by the Business Tenancies (Protection from Forfeiture: Relevant Period) (Coronavirus) (England) Regulations 2020 (S.I. 2020/602).
This Government has stated that the motivation behind this measure is to help businesses over the coming months and protect jobs. It has added that where businesses are able to pay their rent, they should do so and guidance on landlords and tenants working together during this period was published in June in a Code of Practice.
Further updates on this issue will be reported in due course.
If you would like further information in relation to the moratorium or any other COVID-19 related landlord and tenant issues, please contact Charlotte Wormstone, Legal Director in Birketts’ Property Litigation Team.
If you would like to discuss any contentious property issues that you may have, please get in touch with a member of our specialist team.
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The content of this article is for general information only. It is not, and should not be taken as, legal advice. If you require any further information in relation to this article please contact the author in the first instance. Law covered as at September 2020.