Aerial view of road intersection

Highways & Infrastructure

Our highly regarded Planning Team has extensive experience advising housebuilders, developers, landowners and public bodies on a wide range of complex highway law issues.

The Team has experience securing the legal agreements and consents required under the Highways Act 1980, the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the New Roads and Street Works Act 1990 to enable works to be lawfully carried out on the public highway and to enable a development to go ahead.

In particular, members of our Planning Team have experience in the:

  • Various legal agreements to enable construction and adoption of a new 35 metres span highway bridge over a railway track which serves as the main access into a major housing development in West Berkshire.
  • Completion of a bespoke legal agreement to enable the construction and use of a structure over the public highway to mitigate adverse wind effects of a 65 storey building in Bishopsgate on the surrounding area.
  • Various legal agreements to enable a leading UK housebuilder to construct a new highway bridge over the River Avon and a new highway bridge over the River Mole.
  • Various legal agreements and consents required to enable the construction and adoption of a new footbridge over the Grand Union Canal and associated highway works required for a mixed use development comprising 850 housing units and a new marina in Milton Keynes.

Our experts regularly advise on and deal with applications under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Highways Act 1980 to extinguish or divert existing highways.

We also have extensive experience advising on drainage issues under the Water Industry Act 1991 (including the negotiation of sewer adoption agreements, sewer diversions and sewer requisitions) and under the Land Drainage Act and Water Resource Act.

Birketts give you the confidence that when you do face a issue, there will be someone within their practice who will be able offer you the advice you require to make the appropriate decision.

Legal 500 [UK 2023]

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