
This course provides delegates with an understanding of how the adjudication process works and the key cases to be aware of in relation to adjudication proceedings.


This course is particularly suited to contractors and sub-contractors but is useful for any party that is involved in dealing with adjudication.

Course outline

This course begins by outlining the adjudication process and how adjudicator’s decisions can be enforced in various circumstances. Delegates will then gain an understanding of the relevant core requirements of the Construction Act 1996 and the key cases in adjudication, focusing on topics including the appointment of adjudicators, whether a dispute has crystallised, jurisdictional challenges and insolvency. The course will finish with a brief look at the enforcement of adjudicator’s decisions.

To discuss any of your training requirements, please contact Stefan Harris-Wright.

The combination of contractual clarity and pragmatic implication has been invaluable at all levels from Apprentice through to Partner.

Construction Training Attendee

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