The Gloucester 1682 Trust

Birketts is a proud supporter of The Gloucester 1682 Trust, which has been formed to secure the heritage future of the Gloucester and its connected artefacts.

Having run aground on 6 May 1682 while carrying James Stuart, Duke of York and heir to the throne, the Gloucester was discovered in 2007 by Norfolk divers, Julian and Lincoln Barnwell and their friend James Little.

Described as Norfolk’s Mary Rose, the discovery has uncovered a time capsule into one of maritime history’s most significant shipwrecks.

For more information visit: 

To donate visit:!/DonationDetails 

To hear more about the tragedy of Gloucester and the historic exhibition at Norwich Castle Museum, view this update from Eye Film.

Birketts is proud to sponsor this video alongside:

  • Alan Boswell Group
  • Adnams
  • UK Research and Innovation
  • Leverhulme Trust
  • Norfolk Museums Service
  • Norfolk Historic Shipwrecks Ltd
  • The Gloucester 1682 Trust
  • University of East Anglia
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