Whilst there are no shortage of equality, diversity and inclusion training solutions available in the market place, the fact remains that few of these meet the rigorous legal standards required in the employment sector.
Developed with the assistance of Learning and Development professionals who routinely purchase online training modules, Birketts’ expert Employment Team has created an up to date, legally robust and easy to access equality, diversity and inclusion e-learning course, perfect for promoting inclusivity and encouraging teamwork in the workplace.
Birketts’ Equality, Diversity and Inclusion e-learning course offers a comprehensive overview of the key topics delegates need to understand in order to promote a positive workplace culture. Our modular-based approach covers all the topics that you would expect to hear about in a face-to-face training session, including the Equality Act 2010, protected characteristics and unconscious bias. Birketts’ state of the art e-learning training package has been designed to provide practical guidance, with material presented in a range of different ways, suitable for all learning styles.
Training can be provided in a number of ways – either as a Birketts’ hosted platform which delegates can reach via a secure log-in page, or as a SCORM file that can be provided for an organisation’s existing learning management system. Offering a mix of presentations, slides, videos, animations, discussion groups, quizzes and case studies, Birketts’ Equality, Diversity and Inclusion course enables delegates to access all the learning material in one go, or to complete the session at their own pace.
Birketts’ secure and sophisticated e-learning package is xAPI compatible, allowing users to benefit from advanced reporting capabilities that will track a delegate’s activity and identify any further learning needs as necessary.
Delegates’ knowledge is regularly tested through the use of interactive quizzes, enabling the outcome of the learning to be easily measured and quantified.
Modules covered by the online e-learning solution include:
- Introduction and objectives
- What is equality, diversity and inclusion?
- The Equality Act 2010
- The protected characteristics
- Types of discrimination
- Defences to discrimination
- Focus topic: disability discrimination
- Focus topic: pregnancy and maternity discrimination
- Unconscious bias
Sam Greenhalgh, Senior Associate in Birketts’ Employment Team commented: “Birketts knows only too well about the delegate fatigue that typically accompanies online training. To combat that one-dimensional feel, we have carefully tailored our equality, diversity and inclusion online e-learning solution to be fun, interactive and engaging. Diversity and equality aren’t just buzzwords, they are a vitally important part of workplace culture, boosting commitment, satisfaction and loyalty amongst employees. EDI training is an essential exercise for any organisation seeking to get ahead in the current marketplace. I am thrilled with the product that we have developed entirely in house which complements our highly praised existing face to face training really well.”
Louise Lillingstone, Senior HR Business Partner – Talent from BUUK Infrastructure commented: “Packed with enjoyable and interactive break-out tasks, Birketts’ sophisticated equality, diversity and inclusion e-learning package supplied our delegates with contemporary, legally rigorous guidance which we could feel confident. With comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics including protected characteristics, the different types of discrimination and how they can arise in the workplace as well as a look at unconscious bias, this course delivered everything and more we would expect from an online training solution. Featuring a mix of learning styles such as slides, videos, discussion points, quizzes and case studies, we felt this course was suitable for all abilities. The quiz at the end enabled us to gauge whether the knowledge was embedded and provided a mixture of binary questions and case studies so the delegates could exercise their judgment over a range of realistic scenarios that could crop up in the workplace.”
To find out more details about the course, please contact Sam Greenhalgh or Sonya O’Reilly.
The content of this article is for general information only. It is not, and should not be taken as, legal advice. If you require any further information in relation to this article please contact the author in the first instance. Law covered as at May 2020.