Jane Johnson

Legal Director
  • Experience

Jane is a Legal Director in our International Private Client Team, based in our London office.

Jane specialises in tax, trusts and estate planning for UK and non-UK resident and domiciled clients. She provides advice to a wide range of clients including high net worth individuals, private banks and other financial institutions.

Jane has over 20 years’ experience advising individuals on a range of tax issues, including the implications of moving to or leaving the UK and asset holding structures. Her work includes advising on the acquisition, ownership, structuring and re-structuring of UK real estate, inheritance tax, and succession planning. She provides advice to leading international financial institutions on trust law issues, compliance, UK tax (including in relation to financial products) and policy documentation. Jane has particular expertise in drafting complex precedent and bespoke trust documentation, and restructuring offshore trust structures. 

Jane qualified as a Solicitor in 2001 and is a Chartered Tax Adviser.

Jane qualified as a Solicitor in 2001 and is a Chartered Tax Adviser.

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